Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Heels and Health

All persons want to maintain a better health. Health is not something you can buy over the counter in a shop.
One has to maintain health. Many an occasion the modern fashion gadgets usurps the health. The high heel shoes of the ladies play a very harmful role in creating perennial and incurable problems to the wearer of high heel shoes. Fashion conscious ladies are more concerned of the fashion fads to their health.

The high heel shoes will not give an immediate problem but in the long run would make the wearer to suffer untold health hazards.

This is more pronounced in the tropical climates where the hot climate aggravates the problems.
In the tropical climates the ladies who start wearing high heel shoes in their teens are alright for some time. After the age of thirty or thirty five they start getting the pinch of the problems.

Most of the ladies who were using these high heeled shoes suffer from low back pain; slipped disk; period problems; fibroids in uterus etc;etc.

The most important factor is that these sufferers won't accept that their sufferings are the result of long and continued use of those deadly shoes.

Therefore ladies please see that your health is much more important to the ever changing fashion trends.

Remember that HEALTH IS WEALTH

To know more on this please visit

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Simple Meditation

There are numerous methods given by different gurus for meditation. The following is a very simple one in the sense that any one can practice without much ado.

Sit erect or simply lie down on the back.

Settle yourself quietly and take few deep breaths.

Assume the feelings of let go.

Just feel your breathings as you breathe in and breathe out.

That is simply watch the breathings as they are,

Try to maintain a detached feelings (The Let Go feeling)

Please see that you are not doing anything with your breathings.

Let it happen as it happens naturally.

Just be aware of your breathings as they go in and come out.

Simply be aware and do not concentrate on it.

Within a short time you can feel that your breathing had slowed down.

Just maintain this state for some time alowing yourself to feel light and free.

Maintain this for about five or ten minutes.

Then slowly come back and you can feel that you are fresh and light.

This is called aana paana sati in higher meditation techniques

This simple practice will help you attain higher levels of consciousness in the long run.

Please Enjoy the Bliss of Silence